Women Seeking Jobs with Limited Information: Evidence from Iraq


Do women apply more for jobs when they know the hiring probability of female job seekers directly from employers? I implemented a randomized control trial and a double-incentivized resume rating to elicit the preferences of employers and job seekers for candidates and vacancies in Iraq. The treatment reveals the job offer rate for women, calculated using the employers’ selection of women divided by the total number of female candidates. After revealing the treatment, the women applied for jobs by three more percentage points than the men in the control group. This paper highlights the value of revealing employers’ preferences to improve the match between female candidates and employers when women underestimate the chances of finding a job. 

CID Research Fellow & Graduate Student Working Paper: 157
Keywords: Application for jobs, Information treatment, Labor market matching, Gender difference
JEL Classifications: J61, J64, J70
Last updated on 02/26/2024